The Myth of Emotional Stability
If you really knew me you would know that have battled with depression on and off my entire life. There were times when it swallowed me whole, leaving me feeling lost in a fog of hopelessness, disconnected from myself and from life. I tried medication. It only numbed me. It dulled the edges of my pain, but it also dulled my joy, my passion, my creativity.
The Power of Devotion
One of the most common conversations I have with my students centers around the idea of commitment. Whether they’re diving into creative exploration, personal growth, or breaking through a fear that’s kept them stuck, the first step is often a clear commitment: showing up consistently, even when it’s uncomfortable or inconvenient.
Practice Vs. Ritual
This week marked the kickoff of my annual 100 Days of Creative High Growth program, and I’m feeling inspired by the energy my students are bringing to this transformative journey. One of the cornerstones of the program is teaching a practice that evolves into a ritual—a process that goes beyond action and reaches into the realm of meaning, connection, and spirit.
Thank yourself
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and with it comes a time to pause and reflect on the abundance in our lives. We gather with loved ones, share meals, and express gratitude for what we have. But how often do we include ourselves in that gratitude? How often do we look inward and say, “Thank you” to the person we see in the mirror?
Signs of creative burnout
As a creative person, you’ve probably experienced the thrill of new ideas, the satisfaction of completing a project and the joy of seeing your work resonate with the people who receive it.
But what happens when the well runs dry?
How to summon your inner muse
In each of us, deep down inside, underneath the everyday noise and the voice of our inner critic, lives a magical entity that protects and nourishes our creative free spirit. This part of us, often known to as our inner muse, is the source of our most authentic and inspired creative expressions.
Embracing Self Gratitude
In a world that often pushes us to seek validation and acknowledgment from others, it's a refreshing scene when someone flips the script and instead chooses to celebrate their own journey.
Why? Because sometimes, the most important appreciation we can receive is from ourselves.
The power of taking a retreat
I just finished leading a private coaching retreat with a beloved client who came to spend a magical day with me in Santa Fe to gain clarity around her life and her business. This client, we’ll call her Nancy, has been running a branding firm in New York for close to 20 years and at the age of 48 she is feeling burnt out and lost.
Is happiness a myth?
Is it necessary to be miserable in order to tap into our creative genius and make great art? Great art has indeed come out of deep pain and suffering and for many artists, that dark space can become a path to one’s tragic demise. Think Vincent Van Gogh, Mark Rothko or Ernest Hemingway to name a few.
How to plan (and actually take) an extended sabbatical
Back in 2015 and 2016, I did something many dream of but few dare to undertake. I took a two-year break and traveled the world in the pursuit of reconnecting to my creative free spirit and heal my heart from a divorce that left me emotionally shattered.
For those two years, I lived as a nomad out of a suitcase, traveled to 14 countries and immersed myself in diverse cultures, each offering new insights and sparking creativity in unexpected ways.
Shifting your negative beliefs with mantras
What is it that feeds the negative voice inside our head? A belief system that is powered by a scarcity mindset. When the inner engine is fueled by fear and self doubt, the actions we take from that mindset will never bring us the outcome we desire.
Navigating Transitions with Creativity
Transitions can be subtle or can shake us to our core. Unless we have the tools to navigate through these challenging periods, we may find ourselves stuck and unable to move forward.
It’s never a bad time
Have you ever experienced the feeling of wanting to do something that you know will support your personal or professional growth but when it comes time to pull the trigger and commit to it you decided that it’s not the right time?
Do You Have Emotional Hygiene?
The practice of emotional hygiene opens the door to inner peace and self-love. As we clear our emotional bodies of clutter, we make room for love, joy, extension, and freedom to flourish.
What makes you come alive?
I recently stumbled upon this profound quote by Howard Thurman:
'Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.'
This question resonates with me, as what stirs our souls evolves alongside our growth.
Embracing fear
What stands in the way of living a creative life? What stops us from bringing forth the treasures that are hidden within us? Fear does. We're afraid we're not good enough, that we aren't worthy, that we don't have the talent or that we're too old or too young to start anything new.And the list goes on.
Overcoming Money Anxiety in Uncertain Times
Have you ever considered that your relationship with money could be more about your emotions than about money? Money anxiety, a common companion for many of the people I guide, whispers doubts and fears into their ears. It infiltrates their thoughts, undermining confidence and self-worth. It can lead to a cycle of negative thinking, where they doubt their abilities and fall into a victim mindset.
How to know you are on the right path
Feeling stuck and uncertain about whether we're on the right path is a common experience in our creative industry. I encounter this issue with almost everyone I mentor. Often, feeling stuck is the result of following a path laid out by societal expectations or the pursuit of security and success as defined by others, rather than listening to our own hearts.