It’s never a bad time

There’s never a bad time

Have you ever experienced the feeling of wanting to do something that you know will support your personal or professional growth but when it comes time to pull the trigger and commit to it you decided that it’s not the right time? 

When I coach people, I often see them face this phenomenon. They yearn for change but when the time comes to actually take action, fear takes over and they retreat. 

I hear reasons like: 

"I'm too busy right now, with work and everything else going on."


"I should probably focus on fixing my current situation before trying to improve things.”

or the most common reason: 

"I'm not financially stable enough."

This level of hesitation is especially pronounced when we stand on the cusp of committing to a making a big change in our life. 

Why do so many of us retreat at the brink of change, especially when it’s something we yearn for so deeply?

The answer lies within, tangled in the protection of our inner critic, whose prime job is to keep us safe from the unknown, from failure, and from the vulnerability that change necessitates.

We begin to hear the inner critic say things like:

“What if I fail?” 

“What if this does’t work?”

“What if I am making a mistake?”

Our inner critic creates resistance to change no matter what type of change we want to make…  and when it speaks, we listen, and we believe that sabotaging voice. 

Perhaps you want to take a sabbatical, shift careers, retire or become a full time artist?  You can count on your inner critic showing up to convince you it’s not the right time for that.

But here’s a little secret: our inner critic, bless its overly cautious heart, doesn’t really have a grasp on timing. Time, after all, is a construct, especially when it comes to personal evolution and growth. 

The “right time” is a myth, an elusive moment we wait for that never truly arrives because it doesn’t exist.

The truth is, growth and change are always possible, always within reach. They whisper to us in our moments of doubt, call to us in our dreams, and nudge us when we least expect it. And when we listen—really listen—we can find the courage to take that leap.

If your deepest desires are asking for a change, if your soul is yearning for something new that aligns with your heart’s calling, here is what you can say to yourself instead:

There’s never a bad time.

Never a bad time to follow your heart.

Never a bad time to take a risk.

Never a bad time to change.

Every moment is an opportunity to do something new.

There’s never a bad time for anything.

So, when you feel that tug in your heart, that itch in your soul to embark on something new, remember that you're standing in the perfect moment to begin. 

Consider that there might never be a "perfect" time to start. Life is unpredictable, and waiting for the right moment might mean waiting forever. 

Here’s your mentoring advice for today: Don’t wait.  

The best time to start was yesterday. The second best time? Right now


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