Embracing Self Gratitude

Embracing Self Gratitude

I recently came across a video clip of the artist Snoop Dogg during his Hollywood Walk of Fame acceptance speech.  In his speech, Snoop Dogg famously stated, "I want to thank me."

I want to thank me.

I want to thank me for believing in me. 

I want to thank me for doing all this hard work.

I want to thank me for having no days off.

I want to thank me for never quitting.

I want to thank me for always being a giver

and trying to give more than I receive.

I want to thank me for trying to do more right than wrong. 

I want to thank me for just being me at all times.

Snoop Dogg, you're a bad motherfucker!

In a world that often pushes us to seek validation and acknowledgment from others, it's a refreshing scene when someone flips the script and instead chooses to celebrate their own journey.

Why? Because sometimes, the most important appreciation we can receive is from ourselves. 

This is not about ego or self-promotion. This is about recognizing our efforts and the path we've taken, acknowledging our resilience, and celebrating our personal growth.

Self-gratitude is an act of self-love that can transform the way we see ourselves and interact with the world. It encourages us to acknowledge our own efforts, to recognize that our hard work, persistence, and kindness are worthy of recognition—even if that recognition comes from within.

Why should we thank ourselves more? 

Because doing so reinforces the positive aspects of our lives and can help build a buffer against the negative self-talk and depression that our inner critic promotes.  It encourages a healthier mindset where we value our contribution to our lives and the lives of others.

Like Snoop Dogg, start by thanking yourself for believing in yourself. For all those times you pushed through doubts and fears, and for the times you stood up after failures determined to try again. 

Thank yourself for the days you worked tirelessly, for the commitment to your dreams and goals—even on the days when they seemed far away.

Thank yourself for not quitting. Each day you choose to continue is a testament to your strength and dedication. Life is not a sprint; it's a marathon filled with various obstacles. Every step forward is a victory worth acknowledging.

Gratitude towards yourself also involves recognizing the generosity of spirit. Thank yourself for the times you’ve been a giver, for striving to contribute positively to the world, and for the love and kindness you've spread. It’s important to acknowledge that being a giver is not just about large gestures but also the small acts of kindness that often go unnoticed.

But most importantly, thank yourself for being you. In a world that constantly tries to mold us into something else, choosing to stay true to your essence is a courageous act. Like Sloop Dogg, commend yourself for striving to do more right than wrong, and for simply being authentic at all times.

Embrace Self-Gratitude

Start incorporating self-gratitude into your daily routine. It could be through a gratitude journal, meditative practices, or simply by taking a moment each day to reflect on what you appreciate about yourself. This practice will enhance your well-being, increase your self-esteem, and make you more resilient in the face of life’s challenges.

Snoop Dogg’s declaration of gratitude to himself is not just a moment of self-celebration but a call to action for all of us. It reminds us that while it’s important to be humble and acknowledge the help of others, recognizing our own efforts is equally important. 

So, take a moment today, and thank yourself. You deserve it just as much as anyone else.


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