Why creatives struggle with money.

Why creatives struggle with money. 

If you really knew me, you would know that I am 56 and I have been financially liberated since the age of 43.

Being financially liberated goes beyond the accumulation of wealth or the absence of debt. For me, it embodies a deeper, more holistic approach to understanding and interacting with money.

Being financially liberated is a mindset. A state of being that isn’t ruled by worries or anxiety around money. At 43, I was making the most money I’ve ever made in my life. Though the numbers indicated I was well on my way to financial freedom, I was still living deep in a prison cell of my old money stories.

Until that time, my relationship with money was run by a story I inherited from my parents, both Holocaust survivors who lived most of their childhood in poverty-like conditions. 

I remember vividly, in my younger years, hesitating to spend money on quality items or experiences, haunted by the fear of not having enough or unexpectedly losing what I had made. 

This fear, deeply ingrained, stopped me from truly enjoying life. I was trapped in a cycle, where every financial decision was clouded by the dread of future scarcity.

My relationship with money wasn’t healthy and it was costing me my health. 

I was done worrying about money. I was done with this unhealthy relationship that no one taught me how to navigate. 

I decided to end the generational trauma of my family’s money story. I decided to stop being a victim of my beliefs and superstitions and become the money master of my life.

I decided to get help.

I hired a brilliant coach who took me on a journey of deep self-inquiry. He helped me write a new money narrative for my life. He gave me tools. He challenged me. But most of all, I learned that my financial life is directly related to how creatively I live. 

And I wasn’t living creatively at all. I was reacting to life, operating from fear of the unknown.

When we live in a creative mindset, we don’t carry fear of the unknown because we trust ourselves enough to know that our creativity will always be there with a solution to any problem we might face. 

One of the reasons I’ve devoted my life to teaching people how to live a life of love and abundance through the Creative High Growth process is so that I stay in the work and not fall asleep to my old, fear-based, scarcity mindset.

Because I will fall asleep. 

We all do. 

Staying awake to life and nurturing an abundance mindset takes work. Takes practice. We must put in the effort to keep the light on inside us. We must feed that light and nurture it.

Our relationship with money, especially as creatives, is complex. We've been told narratives that often paint financial success as an antithesis to true artistic expression. 

But what if I told you that your creative journey and financial well-being aren't just compatible, but potentially synergistic?

Creativity and financial success can enhance and support each other. Embracing financial well-being can actually empower you to pursue your personal art more freely and with less compromise.

So why do creative people struggle so much with money? 

I have a theory. 

It’s about imagination. And the poor use of it. 

Our imagination is fed by our emotions. If our emotional landscape is run by fear, anxiety, worry and self doubt, it would be pretty hard for us to imagine anything positive. Especially when it comes to money. 

Money is ultimately an external material reflection of your interior world. 

Take that in for a minute. 

What I am saying here is that if you want to change your financial world, you need to start within.  

You’ll need to examine your money narrative and the fears you’ve attached to money.  You’ll need to heal the wound that is still bleeding, telling you that you are not enough and that you are not worthy of wealth. 

You’ll need to do some work.  

But that work will pay off. I promise.

I'm a living proof of the power of this work. I don't worry about money anymore. My bank account always has more than enough to support my lifestyle and money flows to me without worry or anxiety. 

The work isn't easy or comfortable but when you decide to dive in and engage, soon you will begin to feel better about yourself. You will shift your energy and mindset away from scarcity and truly begin to feel abundance energy flowing. You will have a new, positive outlook on life that will feed your imagination with beauty and possibly. You will be liberated to pursue your heart’s desire without the fear or worry of money. 

And that's a worthwhile journey to be on. 


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