What triggers you, teaches you

For us creatives, the journey of self-exploration is not just about self-discovery; it's about tapping into the deep wells of inspiration and originality. 

 Our triggers, those emotional flare-ups that catch us off guard, are not mere roadblocks. They are, in fact, a treasure chest of creative potential, waiting to be unearthed and transformed into art.   

Our triggers push us to confront the emotions that simmer beneath the surface, providing a rich tapestry of ideas, themes, and emotions to draw from.  

For creatives, this is where the magic happens. When we channel our emotional responses into our craft, we create work that is not only authentic and powerful but also deeply healing.

It's essential to recognize that our triggers are not just emotional responses; they are windows into our soul, revealing our deepest fears, desires, and truths.  

By engaging with these triggers, we embark on a journey of self-discovery that not only heals us but also enriches our creative expression. 

When confronted with a trigger, take a moment to reflect.

Ask yourself, "What is this emotional response telling me? What hidden part of my story is it revealing?" 

This introspection can be the catalyst for your next masterpiece that speaks from the depths of your being.

The path of an artist soul is not just about producing art; it's about understanding the artist within. Each trigger, each emotional response, is a brushstroke in the masterpiece of your life. Embrace them, explore them, and let them guide you to create art that is not only visually stunning but emotionally resonant.

Triggers are not just lessons; they are sources of inspiration. They are the sparks that ignite our imagination, pushing us to explore uncharted territories of our psyche. 

By embracing and understanding what triggers us, we don't just learn about ourselves; we unlock new realms of creativity, crafting art that reflect the depth and complexity of the human experience. 

What triggers you, teaches you, and in that teaching lies the essence of your creativity.


Why creatives struggle with money.


Questions to Guide Your Journey