Introducing a coaching and spiritual direction program for accomplished creatives seeking clarity, reinvention and abundance.

Embark on an extraordinary adventure of artistry, self-discovery and creative transformation.


Have you arrived at a stage in your life and career where you’re ready for something new, but not sure what that something might be?

Do you have ideas of what you might want to do next, but lack clarity on how to make them happen?

Do you feel disconnected from yourself and your purpose? 

Are you seeking a path that will wake up and engage your highest form of creativity?


"The Creative High Growth program was a lot more than what I expected it to be. I did not realize the depth of healing and personal growth that can occur with deep personal inquiry and creative self expression. The process changed the way I see the world and for the first time I have clarity of my purpose in the world."


  • You trusted yourself and took new, lucrative risks in life

  • You could immediately access your inner wisdom when you needed guidance and support

  • You were clear about your soul's purpose and expressed it in your work

  • You had healed the childhood wounds that once held you back from embodying your full potential

  • You were free of your inner critic



When you live from a place of self-doubt and limiting beliefs, you are operating on low vibrational energy.  This fear-based thinking manifests as scarcity – scarcity of finances. Scarcity of inspiration. Scarcity of love. 

Only when you awaken your soul artist, remember your true self, hear your authentic voice can you grow a life of abundance and flow.

Creative High Growth is the Way to get there.

Creative High Growth is the method I developed to heal old wounds, and raise energy to its highest creative vibration. 

Creative High Growth is an intense, exciting process of intuitive inquiry and guided artistic expression resulting in creative breakthroughs and personal transformation.

Creative High Growth is a way of mastering your life -- fully awake, aligned with your purpose, and effortlessly reaching your highest goals.



There's an old idea that madness and genius go together.  Just take a look at history. Vincent Van Gough - shot himself at the age of 37. Mark Rothko - committed suicide overdosing on antidepressants. And the list goes on. 

These brilliant artists who left the world a body of work that will inspire generations, have one thing in common with creatives like me and you - we seek meaning in life through our work. And when our work fails to give us meaning, we begin to feel depressed, lost and confused about what's next. 

This place can be a slippery slope. Unless we catch ourselves and wake up our inner soul artist, we are prone to fall into depression and spiral downward into insecurities and fear of what the future brings.

From this place it is hard for us to reinvent ourselves. We feel stuck. Our work begins to feel tired and soon we find ourselves simply running on the hamster wheel of life. We suffer. 

 We may try self help book or talk therapy to solve our problems but none of these paths will ever wake up our soul artist. Only art does that.   

But one thing we forget, that I am here to remind you of, is that your creativity is a current that never stops flowing. Creativity is in your soul and it is up to you to create unobstructed access to it. 

The moment we begin to step away from our natural current of creativity, we open the door for our inner critic to come in, for insecurities to rule and to lose clarity of who we really are. 

This is why art, when used as a healing tool, can awaken our soul artist and help steer us back into the natural flow of creativity we once knew so well. 

We make art and begin to remember who we are. We tap into our source of creativity and wake our soul artist up. Art heals us. Art reminds us we are alive and that we have dreams that were forgotten. 


I had my own spiritual crisis at age 38. After more than twenty years as a successful creative professional, I lost sense of who I was. I fell into a deep depression.

From this dark place I began a profound journey toward living my soul's purpose.

A new path of Creative High Growth opened before me. With the support of brilliant teachers and enlightened guides, I transformed my life. 

From over twelve thousand hours of coaching other successful creatives, I mastered the methods of my mentors.


The Creative High Growth journey focuses on using art as a tool for awakening your soul artist. We begin the journey with taking you back to making art like you used to before your inner critic took over. And then we slowly strengthen your creative muscle so that the art you are creating is expressing who you are in the world.


"This course changed the trajectory of my life"



"The CHG journey was a lot more than what I expected it to be. I did not realize the depth of healing that can occur with art. The process changed the way I see the world and for the first time I have clarity of my purpose in the world."


"I now have the tools to solve my own life's problems and I have more energy doing what matters to me most. Meeting myself for 100 days and diving deep to wake up my inner artist has brought a whole new level of joy to my life."



"This journey used an unconventional process that freed me from my inner prison of fear and insecurities. I now live more authentically, more vibrantly, more courageously and in high integrity with who I am at my core.


"I was my own worst critic. In 100 days I learned how to quiet down my negative thinking and return to my source of creativity."





It's time to stop feeling like an imposter, to stop allowing self doubt to stop you from making important decisions and to stop money fears and a scarcity mindset from holding you back from living your dreams. 

In just 100 days you will rediscover your source of inspiration and stop being afraid of taking new risks. You will begin to experience a new kind of intimacy with yourself, strengthen the important relationships in your life and become open to new opportunities that have were hidden until now. 




The approach of the CHG journey is founded on two opposing forces that work together: deep self inquiry and radical self expression. We go inward to discover deep wisdom and then express our emotions through art. 

I call this approach The Creative Free Spirit Approach

By engaging in this work on a daily basis we begin to naturally peel away old layers of fear and insecurities and heal the part of ourselves that put our soul artist to sleep.  

This approach is like ying/yang in its essence. The seemingly opposite creative forces are complementary, interconnected, and interdependent, and, they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another. 

In the course of our 100 days together, you will receive 15 years worth of my education, training and coaching work in a distilled, organized and efficient way.



This is a process of intuitive inquiry and guided artistic expression leading to creative breakthroughs and personal transformation all for the sake of awakening your soul artist and giving you clarity on your life's purpose.

You will be introduced to a treasure chest of new (and sometimes out of the ordinary) creative tools that have been tested and proven to work not only for myself but for hundreds of creatives I've coached.

The daily sessions are informed by spiritual direction and coaching models I have been trained and certified in as well as from my own life's experience of healing myself and people I've coached.

This new and unique process of unlocking conscious creativity draws from the wisdom of the Enneagram, Intuitive Art practices, The Artis Way exercises and Law of Attraction teachings.

The process includes daily guided meditation, curated music, free form journaling, art making, coaching and creative excursions. Plus, a lot of surprises along the way to keep you curious and engaged in the work.

I've distilled the essential elements of each model and used it to create a transformational journey of a lifetime.






that will astonish you and help you rediscover your soul gift


to refer to and put into action whenever you need them



to keep your creative free spirit alive


crafted and designed by you and for you.



There's an African proverb that says "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together".
I wholeheartedly believe that doing this work in a slow pace with a group of like-minded people brings a strong level of accountability and support that lead to success. 

  • The entire program lasts 100 days. That's 100 sessions in 100 days. There are no days off. You are asked to devote about 100 uninterrupted minutes a day to yourself and your future. 

  • Upon enrollment, a treasure box of writing and art supplies will be shipped to your home. This box will include your blank journey book and everything you need to go through the process. Plus a few surprises to keep you motivated and engaged.

  • Prior to kick off, you will be carefully placed into an intimate cohort of six fellow students. This group will become your enlightened traveling companions and cheerleaders every step of the way. 

  • Prior to day 1, we will have an orientation kick off session where you will meet your cohort and set the stage to who you want to become as a result of this work. You will receive instructions and training to help you understand the process and stay on track.

  • You will guided and oriented on how to create a private space for yourself to do the work every day. 

  • You will receive an audio recorded session from me every morning. The session will include a short guided meditation, the day's teaching, writing prompts, self inquiry instructions and guided intuitive art instructions. 

  • Upon completion of your day's work, you will take photos of the pages you wrote in your journey book as well as the intuitive art you created and post the private Slack channel of your cohort.     

  • You must complete your work every day. The momentum of the daily work is part of why this program works so well. Think about this process as "The Artists Way" on steroids. 

  • Since every day's session is built on the previous day's work, the content of the daily session is revealed to you as you go. There is an exciting element of surprise that keeps things fresh. 

  • Your cohort will be lead by a supporting mentor who has been personally trained by me and has been on this journey before. You will have access to coaching sessions with this mentor all through the program. 

  • We will meet as a collective cohort 10 times during the program, about every 10 days or so, for a two hour group zoom coaching session lead by me.   

  • You will take yourself on 10 Creative Dates during the program where you are asked to create solo expeditions to explore something that interests you. Creative Dates will fire up your imagination and encourage play.You will report on your dates to your cohort. 

  • You will have daily access to me for support. I am fully on this journey with you as your mentor. You also have access to coach with me privately if you choose to. 

This is the program I wish existed when I went through my own dark night of the soul.

I spent 20 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars on working with the best coaches on the planet, the most enlightened teachers and some pretty 'woo woo' healers so that you don't have to.

I created this program with a goal to help you get to a place where you no longer feel you ever need to read another self help book, or sign up for another coaching program or hire a therapist to help you solve your problems.  I created it for those who are tired of the empty promises of self help books, endless talk therapy, YouTube gurus and other personal development schemes that end up leaving you feel alone in trying to solve your own problems. 

This program was created for those who are tired of the religious dogma that has haunted their lives and never appreciated or made space for the creative free spirit that drives you. 

There is no program like this one out there that teaches you how to dismantle your fears, trust yourself and arrive to a place where you gain access to your own inner wisdom so that you become your own coach and guide.

But most of all, this is the only program that uses art and writing as tools to teach you how to lay a foundation that is unique to you for the rest of your life. 




When you join the Creative High Growth Program you will receive:

  • 100 days of audio recorded working mentoring sessions delivered to your inbox

  • All the writing and art supplies shipped to your home

  • Daily guided deep dive self inquiry writing assignments

  • Daily guided intuitive art-making instructions

  • Daily guided meditations

  • Creative prayer to help you connect to your higher self

  • Guidance on weekly creative dates with yourself to inspire

  • Small, intimate "cohort pod" lead by a trained CHG mentor

  • Weekly live cohort Q&A calls with Peleg (10 total)

  • Weekly live "cohort pod" support calls with a trained CHG mentor (12 total)

  • Study Buddy to support you throughout the program

  • Private Slack channel to share your daily work and engage with the community of accomplished, like-minded creatives

  • Feedback and encouragement from your fellow cohort pod students

  • A proven structure to motivate you to do the work on a daily basis

  • Curated music to accompany your daily journey


  • A new creative body of work that will astonish you

  • A toolbox of lifetime spiritual growth tools

  • A new personal spiritual practice to keep your creative free spirit alive

  • A newly created life map created and designed by you and for you.

  • A plan for creating a life and career aligned with your values and guided by your creative free spirit




Includes ALL the features and coaching from the standard program PLUS:

  • 4 heart-to-heart coaching sessions with Peleg to delve deeper and get personal one-to-one input and guidance

  • 4 mentoring sessions with a trained CHG Mentor

  • Enneagram of personality analysis session with Peleg (includes custom enneagram questionnaire, expert analysis and full written report)

  • "Soul Plan" analysis session with Soul Plan practitioner 

  • "What's next?" coaching session with Peleg at the end of the course to help you set goals and intentions on how to move forward in your life with the tools you've learned from the 100 day program and coaching



Going on the Creative High Growth journey is a serious commitment. Aside from the time you will need to devote to the daily work, there is a significant financial investment to consider. 

Sometimes, money gets in the way of our decision to do the things that deep in our hearts we know we want and need to do.   But the voice of scarcity may be loud. You may think that this program is too expensive or you may feel uncomfortable spending this much money on yourself. I get it. I've been there too. 

That is why I offer full 100% money back guarantee to every student who enrolls in the program and does not feel they received the value by the time the program is complete. 

I fully stand behind this work and know that if you indeed commit to showing up for yourself every day inside of this process, do the work and stay engaged, the value you will gain will surpass your financial investment. In fact, you will most likely feel as if you've received a bargain. 

I believe in this work so much, I offer a money back guarantee.


How much time will I need to dedicate to the course?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

What happens in the live group sessions over Zoom?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

What if I get unexpectedly busy during the course and fall behind?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

I don’t live in the U.S… Will time zones be an issue in terms of attending live sessions?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Can I pay with PayPal?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

How long will I have access to the course and material?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Is Creative High Growth like therapy or counseling?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

I have a question you haven’t addressed…

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.